This month marked my wife Ashley’s 5-year anniversary with the vegan lifestyle. Although we started this journey together, she was all in from the start while I had to lean in and take my time with it. Our evolution started simply enough – on a summer morning in 2009 I was reading an article about Tony Gonzalez, then a tight end with the NFL’s Atlanta Falcons. In the article this mountain of a man was describing how a whole foods, plant-based diet contributed to his lengthy career in a sport where players are battered and bruised on a daily basis. I was inspired to pick up ‘The China Study’ as the article referenced the book as Tony’s motivation. After sharing the book with Ashley, she quickly devoured it like I would attack a plate of chicken parm in my pre-vegan days.
Although she was sold from the start, I was skeptical. How was I going to be nourished? How would I eat in a restaurant? How would I navigate the grocery store gauntlet? Although I’m usually one to jump in with both feet and throw caution to the wind, I had to take my time with it. I gradually started to realize the possibilities of truly embracing this lifestyle as opposed to pondering the perceived limitations. I became more familiar with the vernacular, the myths (protein anyone?) and the countless number of bloggers, chefs and all-around amazing people offering support. I started to embrace this lifestyle as a form of rebellion and a way to live a compassionate life full of colorful foods that deprives life to no being.
I’m fortunate to have a partner that encouraged me to find my own way without judgment or pressure. Our mutual pursuit of ‘progress, not perfection’ has enriched our lives in the kitchen and beyond!
How long have you been vegan? Do you do anything to celebrate your vegi-versary?
My husband and I are going on 5 years as vegans. I’m so glad we’re in it together!
My hsbd has been vegan(80-90 % of the time) since August 2014. I tried but I gained 13 #s within a month and it scared me so I stopped. I think it is the added gluten that is in most of the food. I do eact much more fruit and veggies tho. but beans and rice and other starches just make me gain. I tend to do better on meat and veggies/fruit–which I dont understand. Frustrated cuz it makes it hard to support his vegan diet (he did it for health reasons).