The simple truth is that we can choose kindness, and kindness is cool! Be kind to yourself and be kind to others. We can all make this choice all day, every day. It is easy, free and contagious!
Have you ever thought about the concept of “we?” For a quick grammar lesson, “we” is a pronoun of the first person plural. When two or more are present, there is a “we,” a universal “we” in the sense that a person is a “we” regardless of whether that person actually connects with or feels a connection to the other person. The concept of “we-ness” promotes peace and loving kindness toward each and every person we meet, regardless of race, gender, creed, color, religion, age, or sexual orientation. The bottom line is that “we” all can make a choice to treat others with grace and kindness.
When there is a “we,” there is necessarily more than one person (or animal!) present. Now, have you ever felt completely alone in a room full of people, or even in a huge crowd like at a concert or festival? Stop. Think. You are never alone when another is present. So, just your mere presence with another person makes you a “we.” When there is a “we,” there is an opportunity for kindness and connectivity. Every kind connection you make has a vast impact on your world and their world!
Have you considered how you behave toward others who are now inextricably connected to you through “we-ness,” or vice versa? When you enter an elevator and another person is standing there, how do you react? Do you offer that person a smile? If no, why not?! Do you realize you could be the only person to brighten that stranger’s day? If you don’t, aren’t you missing a great opportunity? Or, when you hear someone speaking about an issue you disagree with, what do you choose to do? Do you argue with them right then and there to “prove your point,” or do you engage them in a thoughtful conversation that kindly considers all the points of view? Or, do you keep quiet and then gripe about how stupid they were to your friends later? Reflect for a moment on your kindness meter. If your kindness meter peaks lower than your impatience, intolerance, indifference, or negativity meter, you could really use some karma cleansing! And there is nothing that cleanses karma better than kindness!
So, consider kindness. You have a CHOICE in every situation to choose to be kind. This applies even when kindness isn’t returned. By being kind, you are radiating peace and love to the other person, deflecting negativity and replacing it with positivity and light. I am not saying it is always easy, but I am saying it is always rewarding, especially in the long run. Imagine yourself as an ambassador of kindness! Being kind may mean a simple smile. Or it may mean a handshake, a nod or a polite “hello.” It might mean listening instead of talking, or listening and then talking, or just sitting in silence with a friend in need. It might mean a donation to a local charity or to the next homeless person you see. And remember to be kind to animals, too! Whatever your kind conduit, it will mean a positive difference in someone’s moment, day, week, month, year, life. And that feels good. See, isn’t kindness cool?
Recently, the concept of spreading kindness was on my heart and mind so much that I launched a positivity project called the “We Are” project. It all started with a song I wrote about diversity, oneness, individuality, harmony, equality, love, peace, grace, and life. We plan to record the song and create a music video to express these truths across the world. Our hope is that people will hear the song, see the video, and spread love and abundant peace to each and every soul.
I invite you to read more about the We Are project, the song, and how you can be involved in the video, spread kindness, purchase kind tees, caps, and sports bottles at In the meantime, remember that kind is cool and you can choose to cultivate kindness!
Rena Wren is a singer/songwriter living in Hot Springs, Arkansas who, in the words of Merle Haggard, “wears her own kind of hat.” In fact, she wears many hats! Rena is passionate about sharing her tips on vegan cooking, fitness, health and wellness with others. Rena also writes music and tours, playing venues ranging from coffee houses to main stages across the country. She enjoys helping other musicians, so much so that in 2008, she and her husband, Rodgey Roach, founded “Dragonfly Songwriter Showcase,” a volunteer musician assistance network for indie musicians. Recently, Rena very excitedly launched a positivity project called “We Are” that she hopes will spread the kind word globally. You may read more about Rena and her projects at
The power of group consciousness is like no other! “By being kind, you are radiating peace and love to the other person, deflecting negativity and replacing it with positivity and light.” I love this post!
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Every journey begins with a single step…
Thanks Tom, so glad you liked this post! We are very lucky to have Rena writing for us!
Thanks Rena for sharing your Kindness, Love, Peace, Joy and Light. As WE unite in our efforts and set our intentions on amplifying these things we will undoubtedly brighten the darkest corners of our world!!! Laura Lynn Danley aka LBelle