Does the word “salad” equate to thoughts of weight loss, boredom, or maybe you perceive it as a summertime meal?
Well, hold onto those servers, because we’re about to take a salad from zero to hero!
They’ll be:
- enjoyed year-round
- powerfully nutritious
- filling and satisfying
- your best daily meal
- a visual blast of deliciousness!
My 10 tips to making power salads are:
- Add darker leaves: Swap out iceberg lettuce for butter lettuce, then progress to romaine, baby spinach, cabbage, zucchini noodles and kale (the darker the leaf, the more nutritiously dense)
- Work with the rainbow: Forget the ‘greek’ and toss in a riot of colourful veggies & fruits!
- Sprinkle with seeds: Get those healthy Omega 3’s in with sunflower and pumpkin seeds, raw or lightly toasted, at home!
- Pre-cut your veggies: What might be stopping you for making a power salad is the preparation, so have pre-cut ingredients on hand!
- Hold off on oil: Oil supplies calories, without the whole food goodness. Add the real stuff, like olives!
- Bring on the ‘meat’: By ‘meat’ we mean solids! Protein-dense sprouts, beans or grains like quinoa.
- Bring on the greens: Never too much, so on a dark bed of greens add some greens beans, peas or asparagus.
- Hello healthy fats: Avocado! Plus those sprinkling of nuts, seeds and olives. Better added to the salad, rather than mindlessly gobbled up as a snack.
- Never too cold: Let your salad stand at room temperature and make some warming spicy dressings to heighten their allure in the colder months.
- Serve as a main: Work towards having a power salad as a main meal once daily. The fibre, the nutritional-density and deliciousness will feed your body, mind & soul!
I would love to see pics of salads you create! Please do share them by tagging @lyncowie and @chic_vegan on Instagram.
Thanks for the salad prep tips, I’m giving quinoa a try!