Kind fashion begins with self love!
Believe it or not, self love is even evident in one’s wardrobe. Once we have mastered self care, kindness and respect around what and how we wear our clothing, this powerful love can permeate throughout all our fashion choices.
Consider these tips to assist in slowing down our shopping frequency, discover ways to muster up individual style authenticity, and make our fashion choices kinder all round:
- Clothing Cleanse: unpack and try on every item you own. Decide what presently serves you well, gives you a sense of joy, then generously donate the rest.
- Recovery: repair and remodel items that are worth keeping.
- Keep it clean: free-up high wardrobe realty space by packing away out-of-season pieces.
- Visual appeal: repack and organise your wardrobe to make your daily selection appealing and easily seen.
- Avoid temptations: spend less time in shops, online, and spilling over fashion brochures and magazines.
- Commit: to the ‘one in, one out’ item of clothing and accessories policy. This will make you reassess if you’re willing to give up an item for your next possible purchase.
- Help at hand: employ a vegan personal stylist to empower you with the know-how, tips and resources you need for lasting style impact.
- Create: have fun in your wardrobe ‘store’, by displaying your accessories, and playing with never-tested mix-and-match alternatives.
- Declare your commitment: to cruelty-free choices with supportive friends; those who will help you resist any temptations in weaker moments.
- Show support: if you are spending, invest in buying from intentionally vegan suppliers, companies with 100% transparency policies, thrift, consignment and vintage stores.
I love nothing more than going through my wardrobe and donating my own clothes ( I think in the last year I have bought 2 new dresses which I think is good). I love the rule 1 in 1 out I use that in every aspect of my life. I have just discovered Matt and Nat who do vegan bags and shoes and I LOVE them 🙂 xo
Since watching ‘The True Cost’ I’m so inspired to make more conscious decisions about my clothing, and feel so good on doing so! Amazing the amount of money I’m saving effortlessly in the process.