For many years, pumpkin seemed to be relegated to the ranks of Halloween decorations and the occasional pie, but lately it’s moved on to the dinner table. It seems that every time I log onto to Facebook or Twitter, someone somewhere is talking about consuming some sort of pumpkin something-or-other. And Pinterest is completely chock full of pictures of pumpkin porn – pumpkin soup, pumpkin cinnamon rolls, pumpkin bread and even pumpkin chai smoothies.
I’m not sure how and when this pumpkin trend started, but I’m quite fine with it. Pumpkin is delicious and extremely nutritious so I hope it’s here to stay. Even the little critters in my yard are fond of it, as this big, bright orange pumpkin was on my front porch no less than an hour when I found it covered in nibble marks with one big gapping wound towards the bottom. Those squirrels know what foods are good for them!
Here are 5 excuses… err… reasons to eat more pumpkin:
They’re packed with vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin’s bright orange color ensures that they’re packed with Vitamin A, which is good for vision and the immune system. Pumpkins are also high in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, zinc, magnesium and potassium, making them nutritional powerhouses.
They’re great for your skin. The high vitamin and mineral content in pumpkin are great of healthy, glowing skin. The nutrients found in pumpkin seeds can prevent wrinkles and keep your skin hydrated and nourished, so don’t throw the seeds away when you’re scooping out that jack o’lantern!
They have an anti-inflammatory affect. Regular consumption of pumpkin as been showing to protect against joint inflammation and arthritis, thanks to it’s high beta carotene content.
They can make you happy! Pumpkin s contain L-triptophan, which is known for alleviating depressing and triggering feelings of happiness and well-being.
They’re good for your belly. Pumpkins are high in fiber and are very effective at treating such tummy upsets as constipation, indigestion and gas. (And I’ve heard pumpkin is good for doggies’ tummy troubles too!) The high fiber means they’re also good at lowering LDL cholesterol and regulating blood sugar.