Eric O’Grey had hit rock bottom when he went to a nutritionist who prescribed two things that would change his life: a whole food, plant-based diet, and a dog. Over the course of the next few years, his life changed. So did the life of Peety, the dog he adopted from the Humane Society. Walking […]
#BrooklynCow Represents Billions of Nameless, Faceless Like Him
On October 17, yet another cow – a bull, actually – ran for his life from a slaughterhouse in New York City, injuring a child in his bid to live. The #BrooklynCow, so dubbed on social media, was eventually tranquilized by police and rescued by Skylands Animal Sanctuary in New Jersey. This is not the […]
Reading as Animal Activism
I like to read. There are old photos of me as a toddler, perusing the newspaper. When I started Kindergarten, I was quickly given the opportunity to go to the first grade reading class. When I moved to a new school later in the year, they skipped me completely into that grade, and soon after, […]
Captive by Jo-Anne McArthur
Current events have a lot of us thinking about privilege. How may of us stop and think about how lucky we are to wake up and go about our days without fear of being confined, hurt, or killed? It’s easy to take these things for granted until they aren’t available. I thought about this as […]
The Skeptical Vegan by Eric Lindstrom
I feel like Eric Lindstrom and I have a lot in common. Italian bloodline. Penchant for potatoes. Affinity for Vegetarian Summerfest. These are just a few of the things that made me feel as if I knew the author of The Skeptical Vegan well. Lindstrom, an admitted meat lover, initially went vegan as a bet […]