January can be a bit of a bummer. The holidays are over, it’s super cold outside, and the sun sets before your evening commute even begins. Those winter woes can be cured with a Vegan Cuts Beauty Box subscription. Since you never know what you’re going to find inside the box, it almost feels like Christmas […]
Quinoa Breakfast Pilaf from The Great Vegan Grains Book
Whole grains are a great source of protein and other nutrients that are typically found in meat and eggs, making them a valuable part of any plant-based diet. While naturally vegan by nature, grains are often paired with non-vegan ingredients, making many recipes offlimits to vegans. That’s where The Great Vegan Grains Book: Celebrate Whole […]
Minty Matcha Nanaimo Bars from Superfoods 24/7 by Jessica Nadel
Superfoods are everywhere these days, from packaged foods to restaurant menus to media headlines. Some sound as though they’re from another planet (maca, goji berries); others are hiding in plain sight (strawberries, almonds, sweet potatoes, cinnamon). But all of them are packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that keep us healthy! Now, Jessica Nadel showcases her […]
Interview Series: Robin Asbell
Robin Asbell has been immersed in whole, real foods cooking for most of her life, and has made a vocation of crafting delicious, healthy recipes and writing about it. She has been cooking and creating recipes in the natural foods business since the mid 80’s. What began as a side job in college turned out to […]
So Delicious CoconutMilk Coffee Creamers
Earlier this year, So Delicious Dairy Free changed the recipe for their CoconutMilk Coffee Creamers. Because of customer concerns, they removed carrageenan and titanium dioxide, but some customers weren’t too happy with the results, so they went back into the kitchen to tinker with the recipe. The improved creamers that are the results of that […]