Winter is known as cold and flu season, but the truth is that colds can hit any time of the year. I do have a few tricks up my sleeve for those times when I feel I might be catching a bug. For me, stress management and a good night’s sleep are key. Here are a […]
Beyond Pills: Supplementing with Food
Because our food sources and diets are not always optimal, supplements can play an important part in our health regimens. I see supplementation as a nice option and as a sometimes necessity for health. It’s also useful for rounding out a diet that may be lacking in certain nutrients due to soil depletion and other […]
Do Vegans Need to Take a Lot of Supplements?
I’ve already answered almost all of the most asked questions that people on a vegan diet get: Where do you get your protein? What about calcium? What exactly do you eat? Another question I’m often asked is “You’re vegan? Do you take a lot of vitamins and supplements?” While there are a few supplements that I do […]
Vegan Chef Day found health and happiness and wants to show you how
I know how amazing and vibrant food can make you feel. But I did not always know this. Growing up in a typical working class British family food had one main purpose – to stop hunger. The solution to that problem had neither time nor money on its side – both were in short supply. […]
Got (Vegan) Calcium?
After I’ve explained to people what vegans eat and that I do indeed consume plenty of protein, conversation can sometimes turn towards the topic of calcium. If I’m not drinking milk or eating cheese, I’ve probably bought myself a one-way ticket to osteoporosisville, right? Wrong! The idea that calcium can only be found in dairy […]