This article comes from Kimberly Snyder’s wonderful blog and details the differences between how fructose and glucose affect your body. Very worthy read… By Kimberly Snyder My regular readers know that I consider agave to be a BIG enemy to health and beauty- which is very high in fructose (up to 97% fructose). It truly […]
What would be the best way to begin a Juice fast/detox for a first timer? -Jannett Although our bodies are made to naturally detoxify, our noxious diets and environment add stress to the system, making us more likely to end up with chronic disease. Juice fasting can have powerful health benefits for some people. […]
On Eating Disorders and Veganism: Is it A Road to Further Restrictions or Road to Recovery?
If you have been on Tumblr lately, you probably would have seen the trend: thinspiration, or the inspiration to be thin, is on rise. It has been on the rise for years. This is way “old,” but remember the infamous Lady Gaga’s “pop stars do not eat” fiasco on Twitter? Now the trouble is when […]
Veganism is expanding by leaps and bounds these days. To fulfill the needs of this growing community, many vegan products and all-vegan companies have been launching. Vegan brides and grooms no longer need to fear about the ingredients in their wedding cake nor do they longer worry whether or not their wedding garments are animal-friendly or […]
As a subscriber of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s Diseaseproof newsletter I recently received this article detailing the detrimental effects of soda on the body and felt compelled to share it… Diet soda depletes calcium and may increase heart attack risk The average American drinks 216 liters of soda each year.1 Soda drinking has previously been associated with […]