What is the East Coast Greenway? Well, my friends, gather around and I’ll tell you a tale… Picture the Appalachian Trail… but instead of dirty hippies and deep dark woods (which are both very nice, don’t get me wrong), there was a nicely graveled trail that connected all the major cities, from Boston to Miami […]
Activism / Charity
To Toss or Not to Toss? The New Vegan Conundrum
That is the question for most fledgling vegans upon the evaluation of their wardrobe. Do you immediately throw out the non-vegan items you have always owned? Or do cease to buy new animal made items and slowly phase out the old as they go out of style or fall apart? I personally found myself doing […]
Happy World Vegan Day!
Today is World Vegan Day, the celebration of the creation of The Vegan Society and the kick off to World Vegan Month. This month is dedicated to spreading the awareness of veganism and the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. Check out the list of events on the WVD website. LUSH is also celebrating WVD by […]
Blog Action Day: The Truth About Poverty and How Going Vegan Can Help
Today is Blog Action Day, a day when tons of bloggers from around the world write about one single topic. The topic this year is poverty. Poverty is an easily preventable and curable epidemic that can be solved with just a bit of selflessness and compassion. This is my take on poverty, including a brief […]
Happy World Vegetarian Day!!
Happy World Vegetarian Day everybody! Today is the day that kicks off Vegetarian Awareness Month! So be sure to schedule a veg-themed party, potluck, presentation, or even taste testing to spread the word of all the benefits of a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle! Check out the official site to see how you can participate. Today […]