I admit that I’m disillusioned by mainstream fashion, and with good reason. Fast-fashion is frivolous, and pretty ferocious too. (I’m not saying style is frivolous, nor is caring deeply about looking great). I have an issue with retailers who aggressively promote constant new weekly ‘must-haves’. With this unrelenting message of needing more, it subtly encourages us […]
10 personal style tips for 2016
Here are 10 style tips to raise our personal style bar! Make 2016 the year in which we actively place emphasis on looking after ourselves and shining by example. 1. Pairing it perfectly Comfortable masculine-meets-feminine, that beats the commonly worn all-day yoga look, is a soft blouse and tailored, easy fitting pants. 2. Easy flats […]
Interview Series: Kat Mendenhall
Not all of us have the courage to follow our dreams, but Kat Mendenhall sure did. If you are looking for inspiration, along with 100% vegan Texas-style cowboy boots, you’ll love this interview. Chic Vegan: What motivated you to become vegan? Was it an overnight switch or more gradual shift? Kat Mendenhall: Despite being […]
Create and Case Vegan Bags
If you’re like me, you have a closet full of tote bags. I have totes that were free gifts with the purchase of something (usually magazine subscriptions), totes that were given to me at events, and even a couple totes that I bought when I was out and about and in need of a bag […]