If you’re on the lookout for an energizing, portable, and healthy snack, I would definitely recommend Barnana chewy banana bites. Made from dehydrated bananas, plus a few other delicious add-ins, these little squares of fruit have a good fiber kick that help take the edge off of your hunger, or in my case, gave me a […]
Chickpea Salad Sandwiches
If you’ve been vegan for a while, you probably have your own version of this recipe, but if you’re a newbie or an omnivore, the idea of making a vegan “tuna” or “chicken” salad out of chickpeas might be new to you. This recipe is a quick and easy lunch to pack for work or school, […]
EnviroKidz: Good Taste, Good Deeds
Call me lucky, but my son has never been much of a snacker. He’s perfectly happy with three meals a day and he rarely asks for anything else. Still, I like to make him treats for his lunchbox. It’s nice to have a little surprise. I prefer to have some control over that surprise, so […]
Beet, Carrot, and Orange Salad from Spiralize! by Beverly Lynn Bennet
One of the biggest challenges to getting more unprocessed fruits and vegetables in our diets is the preparation time and making them fun and interesting to eat. The spiralizer, a hand-driven appliance favored by gourmet chefs and raw-food enthusiasts, is now getting its moment in the culinary spotlight, giving home cooks a way to slice […]
Product Review: Yuve Protein Powder
I love that the plant-based protein powder marketing is blowing up! Yuve, created by Lola Sherunkova, is one of the newest on the market. I consider myself a protein powder connoisseur and while I have some favorites, I’m always delighted to try new products. Made from raw chia seeds and cocoa powder with a hint […]