Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world and one which few can give up. I admit, is very good, but has drawbacks that should not be underestimated.
Although there are those who say that it helps memory and concentration, caffeine is addictive: in the morning you feel tired, you drink coffee, at night you sleep badly (even if you don’t realize it), the next morning you’re tired, you drink coffee…. This certainly does not help. Eliminating coffee you will soon feel the benefits in your sleep.
Another point against coffee is that it’s an highly acidifying drink (just like dairy products) that leeches calcium away from your bones (osteoporosis is lurking!) and can give you stomach acidity. Finally, coffee comes from far away, and sometimes the farmers are exploited and its production requires many steps and processes: the fruit of the coffee is actually red or green.
“No, I can’t renounce my morning coffee!”
“Yes, and it is not so difficult to let it go”
If what prevents you from eliminating your morning coffee is tiredness, try to start the day with a nice fresh fruit smoothie, it doesn’t overload the stomach such as milk and biscuits and doesn’t intoxicate the body, so that it can devote to awaken all organs without having to take too much effort in digestion and elimination of too many toxins – the early morning is the time of day when our body continues detoxification begun at night, give it time!
If a breakfast made up of fruit alone does not satisfy you, replace coffee with organic green tea or drink a glass of water and lemon as you wake up. instead, If what you love of it is its taste and if you like hot drinks then try barley coffee or chicory coffee.
“But I don’t like barley coffee.”
No problem, start by drinking decaffeinated coffee (choose a brand in which the caffeine is removed with natural methods, such as steam, and not chemically), so you will remove the caffeine addiction, then choose blends of coffee + barley or add to your barley coffee a teaspoon of cocoa powder to make it more delicious up to eliminate coffee completely without much effort.
Fullyraw Kristina made a video on how to prepare the “raw food coffee” – she obviously makes it cold but you could just warm it up a bit.
In conclusion, you can occasionally indulge in a good cup of coffee, but not every day!
In the name of better health I’ve eliminated a lit if foods from my diet – eat a mostly vegan diet, in the process of switching to vegan/non-GMO body and beauty products….and have done so willingly and without regret…but don’t think I can do so with coffee. It’s like a warm embrace in the mornings…I love it so. Perhaps that is the next step in my evolutionary process…
I stopped drinking coffee on the 15th of January 2015. I’m still going strong. I have attempted to give up so many times but now I really feel the benefits of not drinking coffee. I don’t feel as groggy. I use to drink around 10 a day with 2 sugars… so now I feel so much better without it!