Throughout the years, my fitness regime has always been feast or famine. I either work out 10 hours a week or none. The fitness frenzy always comes in waves and the waves eventually reach the shore and fizzle out. Lately, though, I have been able to turn all of this around by thinking of fitness as “food” for my body. I wouldn’t go a day without eating, so why go a day without fitness? Being vegan, I think very carefully about the food that goes into my body. Now I think very carefully about the maintenance of the rest of my body – the skeletal and muscular parts that get me from place to place every day. Our bodies do so much for us! I make every effort to “feed” my body fitness at least 30 minutes per day every day.
The trick here is learning what works for you as an individual. You might need a classroom atmosphere and the motivation of others to get you going. Or, you might like to be outdoors running or hiking. I learned over the years the main barrier between me and a regular fitness routine is that I hate routine. Having an athletic past as a cheerleading and gymnastics coach, I get results fairly quickly when I work out, but then I tend to overkill and get bored and burned out. Hence, I end up in the feast or famine debacle. I need a wide array of fitness options to choose from every day. So, about a year ago, I started a fitness video tape collection. I consider this my fitness pantry, a variety of healthy options to use at home to “feed” my fitness! I also have a handful of options outside my home that I rotate in so I don’t get bored or stuck in a rut. I use my instincts to determine what fitness food I will have each day. Listen to your body – it listens to you!
If you are on the fitness fence, here are some ideas to try! This is by no means an exhaustive list of fitness food in my pantry, but these are some core exercise routines I use in my fitness rotation that have yielded great results.
Cable/Satellite Classes: If you have satellite or cable TV, search the fitness channels. If you find something you like, record the series and store up to 3 episodes so you have a choice when you get ready to work out. There are too many options to count, including toning, sculpting, stretching, Pilates, dance, and aerobics. I record Namaste Yoga on DirectTV. It is a 30-minute Vinyasa yoga that is very gentle and soothing. Beginners can do this series. I have been doing yoga for years and Namaste Yoga is one of my favorite classes. I could do this every day and never tire of it, and that says a LOT coming from a routine-avoider. This class feeds my body, mind and spirit.
Walking: Find somewhere that you can walk a minimum of 2 miles. Many parks have walking tracks or trails. I live at the end of a mile-long road in the middle of a National Forest, so I walk my road when the weather is favorable. Many gyms and YMCA’s have walking tracks. If you like nature, go to and find a hiking trail. Either way, just know where to go to do a 2-mile (or 30 minute minimum) walk. I walk about every other day or every 2 days. I use it as a time for deep breathing and active meditation — breathe in, 5 steps; breathe out, 5 steps, etc.
Jillian Michaels’ “30-Day Shred”: I ordered mine from Amazon and paid $10.97 with shipping and everything. With Amazon, you also get the video on demand, meaning you can connect to the internet any time and watch this video without having the DVD in hand. I travel some, so this is a cool option. There are 3 different routines on this DVD. Each one is a different level of difficulty. Even if you don’t have an athletic past, you can do Level 1. Stay on Level 1 until you have it mastered. Now, because I don’t like routine, I haven’t done the shred daily; rather, I use it in my rotation of other videos and I choose the difficulty depending on how I feel that day. These routines are also short enough that I can memorize them and do them on my own to different music. If you don’t mind routine and could do this DVD every day, you would definitely see some measurable improvement quickly.
All Things Tracy Anderson: Tracy Anderson is known for helping sculpt famous people’s bodies. You can read all about that at I purchased mine DVDs straight from the website, but I am sure you could find discounts at Amazon or other vendors. I have loved every DVD of Tracy’s I have tried. Because of my dance background, I really like the Beginning Dance Cardio, which was about $24.95. On this DVD, there are 4 basic dance routines taught step-by-step. Once you learn them, you can do them to any music you like without having to watch the video. I like this option because I get bored of watching the same thing over and over. I recommend this video if you want a fun alternative to basic aerobic cardio. Remember, cardio can be difficult, but it is necessary for heart health. AND…it is the fastest and most efficient way to burn calories. Another Tracy Anderson DVD I love is the Perfect Design Series – Sequence 1, which was about $40.00. It is mainly a floor video, toning and sculpting. I really like it because I learned how to stretch and tone in a way I had never done before. I use these two videos in my fitness rotation on a regular basis.
Zumba: Guys and gals, if you haven’t tried Zumba, go to and find a class in your area. This is hands down the most fun and effective cardio I have ever done. I actually became certified to teach it, so I have a huge catalog of these DVDs that I use in my cardio rotation. You can order DVDs from the website. You can also go to Youtube and find many great routines that you can download and burn to DVD. But, starting out, I would recommend going to a live class. The energy is so fun and the workout is very easy, but you will burn a ridiculous amount of calories. Even if you have no dance background or aerobic training, you can do Zumba. I had never done Latin dance and had to learn how to move my body that way! I had so much fun in the process and literally shed inches when I was doing Zumba only 3 times a week.
P90X: This is a collection of videos that uses “muscle confusion” to tone, sculpt and refine your body. If you stick with it, this series really works. It is some of the most difficult training I have ever done. If you have never really worked out much, I would recommend working out regularly at a gym for a minimum of 30 days before beginning this series. Once you do begin, remember to just do what you can and build on that. I did this for 90 days with my husband in 2009 and was amazed at the results. Now, I use some of the DVDs in my rotation. I love the Kenpo X cardio. It combines boxing moves with cardio for a fun and effective cardio workout. My absolute favorite video from this series is Ab Ripper X, an abdominal workout that uses 11 different exercises to tone your abs. The DVD is only 15 minutes long. I use this DVD on a regular basis to keep my core strong. The entire P90X collection cost me about $90.00, which was a little high for me, but I have actually used it so much that it has paid for itself. You can learn more at
Yoga: Yoga is an amazing way to keep your core strong, stay balanced, meditate, breathe deeply and lengthen your muscles. There are many ways to do yoga. Find a donation only class, sample a class at a gym, find a private instructor, or find a DVD that works for you. I like to alternate between live classes, Namaste Yoga (mentioned above), and my own routines. I have been practicing yoga for a number of years, so this one is easier for me. I would recommend at a minimum that you visit and explore the poses. Sometimes when I feel out of balance, I peruse the poses until I find one I haven’t mastered and one that speaks to me and I add it to my daily fitness until I have learned it. This is a great way to channel your concentration toward positive energy that helps your emotional and physical balance!
Weights & Elliptical: At least once per week I go to the gym and workout on the weight machines. These are easy, there are diagrams of how to do the exercise, and you can adjust the weight depending on your level of skill. I also jump on the elliptical machine for a minimum of ten minutes. This is great cardio and there is simply no better, faster way to tone your legs and tush!
I hope these tips are helpful to you on your fitness journey. Your body does amazing things for you and deserves to be “fed” regularly with healthy exercise. Experiment with an array of fitness options until you find a few that really excite and motivate you. Then, feed your fitness every day!
Rena Wren is a singer/songwriter living in Hot Springs, Arkansas who, in the words of Merle Haggard, “wears her own kind of hat.” In fact, she wears many hats! Rena is passionate about sharing her tips on vegan cooking, fitness, health and wellness with others. Rena also writes music and tours, playing venues ranging from coffee houses to main stages across the country. She enjoys helping other musicians, so much so that in 2008, she and her husband, Rodgey Roach, founded “Dragonfly Songwriter Showcase,” a volunteer musician assistance network for indie musicians. Recently, Rena very excitedly launched a positivity project called “We Are” that she hopes will spread the kind word globally. You may read more about Rena and her projects at
Great article. You are right on track with the feast or famine mentality. Many women have a burst of motivation and get into the grove quickly and then lose their mojo just as quickly. I agree that variety is the key.
Another critical element is to know at the outset that it takes about 6 months for a health change to become a health habit. Once you get into the 6 month time frame, it becomes the exception to not work out and not the norm.
Make sure you are having fun with your workouts and 6 months can fly by.
Nice point, Julie-Ann. Maybe that is why we all fall in and out of exercise so often. 6 months is a long time! I always thought it was 30 days to create a habit.
I am the same way with working out. I tend to not have a problem with the actual working out bit, its the getting ready, walking/biking to the gym or location of work out, and then the same bit coming back home, plus a shower! It makes me never want to work out.
For my new year’s resolution I decided to try out the video game workout world. Who knows maybe without all the middle crap that is required to get me to and from a workout, I’ll keep it up.
I’ve been using Wii EA Active 2 4-5x a week EVERY week since then New Year. I am so impressed with my results. Every workout Im a nice, sweaty mess. I get to see my heart pumping away with the monitor. I’ve lost so many inches and turned a lot of fat into muscle. I feel amazing, my endurance is higher, and I just lost a pant size! I just bought the Zumba workout game. It is truly amazing how I’ve kept my motivation since I don’t have to worry about the middle man bits of my workout.
Thanks for sharing! This totally makes me want to go out and buy a wii. 🙂 Congrats on your improved health!