Today the Guardian launched an interactive ethical fashion directory. I think I speak for every ethical style maven when i say…."thankyouthankyouthankyou!"
You may choose from the fair trade, organic, sustainable, local (if you live in the UK), recycled, and vegan categories. You will also be able to find links to everything from organic baby socks to vegan boots to recycled men’s underwear. Maybe not the last one, but you get my point. Regardless, this directory will no doubt make your online shopping experience an easier one.
Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if we could have all of those categories encompassed in one super company? The way things are going, that might be an option very soon.
Hello! Delighted you found our directory and like it. And I’m going to go and find some recycled pants just for you …
Anyway more seriously, if you spot any companies missing please do let us know and we’ll add them.
Many thanks
Kate Carter
Thanks Kate! I will do that. Thank you for the comment as well, it is the first on my new blog!