I’ve watched many films in the past few years that advocate a plant based diet, but none has ever done it as eloquently and as convincing as Forks Over Knives has. This film has saved countless lives and is on a promising path to save many more.
Forks Over Knives covers the work of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, and examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.
One in every three people in the United States is overweight. At least 10% of our population has Diabetes and that rate is growing steadily every day. Todays children are said to be the first generation who will not live as long as their parents. These statistics are staggering. Yet, there is one thing in common with all of these facts – these afflictions are 100% controllable by a proper diet and lifestyle. Forks Over Knives does more than just wax poetic on this fact – they show it in action. What you see will change your life.
Forks Over Knives is a profoundly important film. If you care about your health and the health of your family and loved-ones, you will watch this movie and share your knowledge with the world.
Chic Vegan wants to help the start of this revolution by giving away 5 FREE DVDs of Forks Over Knives.
***All you have to do is leave a comment below stating how you are going to use your DVD (and the knowledge gained from it) to spread the word and create a nutritional revolution. Only those signed up for Our Newsletter are eligible to win, so if you haven’t done that yet then get on it! ***
**If you want to be entered to win TWICE, then tweet this: “Win a FREE DVD of Forks Over Knives (@forksoverknives) from @Chic_Vegan! http://bit.ly/pInAEf ”
This contest ends on 8/30!!
i am a member of a local healing group that is run by volunteer healers and we have a library i would love to have this dvd in to share with clients [after i have watched it myself first]
I’ve been really enjoying the book, it would be great to see the movie too!
I’ve been loving the book, I can’t wait to get to see the movie!
I’d love to see “Forks Over Knives” and share it with friends, family, and maybe even students (if parents give it the “okay”).
I haven’t seen this film yet. Actually I have plans to see it Tuesday night. Documentaries have totally made me rethink my life choices and diet over and over again. First Super Size me ruined fast food for me. (So GLAD). Then Food Inc., King Corn and The Future of Food have impacted me and given me information I can share with others. I’ve lost weight, my husband’s Rheumatoid Arthritis has grown manageable and no longer debilitates him. Best of all, our plant based, whole food lifestyle makes us feel better. People ask us about our glow and the changes we’ve made and we love to teach them what we’ve learned. This DVD, should I be chosen to receive it. will be used to educate and inform our friends and family.
Would love to see the movie. I’d have a party for others to come watch it.
I’ll have a movie night in my college dorm. 🙂
AND I tweeted! 😉
Since I haven’t seen it yet (we have it on our Netflix list but it hasn’t come available yet) it has been hard to tell people about the impact the movie will make. We have monthly vegan dinners where we can share the information and lend the dvd and a vegan radio show. Can’t wait to see it!
I have been looking forward to seeing this film!! It wasn’t showing in the city I live in and I have been obsessively checking Amazon and Netflix for months to see if it is streaming!
Sounds like a great idea to share this vital information — can’t wait to get the DVD to see it and share it!
I saw this movie in the theatre. It is a great movie and I would love to show it to my family and friends and basically anyone I can get to sit down and watch it so they can improve their health and not be a part of harming animals and the environment. Thanks!
i missed this movie when it played in nyc and felt terrible. once i get the dvd i will invite all my borderline vegetarian and borderline vegan friends over to watch (and the committed ones, too) but mostly i will tweet about it and publicize it on my facebook page. can’t wait to see it!
I was super bummed to miss the showing in Portland. I’d love to see it on DVD and pass it on! =D
I keep trying to tell people about this but they don’t seem to listen…so maybe if I could show them a video they might get it.
I just went to listen to Dr. Brian Clement, director of the Hippocrates Institute and his information on superior health & longevity with the use of live foods was amazing. I purchased a copy of his LifeForce book and am reading it now. Ironically the foreward was written by Dr. Colin Campbelll.
I am committed to spreading my new found knowledge to my friends and family.
I would love to get a copy of the Forks Over Knives DVD.
Is this something that children could watch? Would be great to have this viewed in our school system.
Going to make great use of the DVD by passing it around to all my omni friends who wouldn’t normally buy it. Quite a few watched Food Inc and started getting interested in a healthier diet.
New to vegan lifestyle. Just read Farm Sanctuary and would love to watch this movie! 🙂
I took my husband to see this and was surprised when my carnivorous husband (who is a chef) left enlightened and declared he would change his ways for his health and the earth. It really opened his eyes and he tells everyone about it. It would be great to be able to loan this DVD out to others so that they can be informed as well! Hubby can’t wait to see this again. Myself as well 🙂
This looks really interesting..can’t wait to check it out!
will watch this movie and pass it on to a lot of my friends who have seen a change in me but can’t quite give up meat yet…this just may be what makes them give it up 🙂
I would hold “movie nights” with family, friends, churches and various community groups to spark discussions on healthy eating and the beefits of a “cruelty free” diet.
I would definity use the DVD to show my friends and boyfriend that being vegetarian or vegan is not abnormal. I get made fun of all the time because I dont eat places like McDonalds or KFC due to my animal welfare beliefs. They dont really mean anything by it but I hope this DVD would show them that I have the right idea and I am healthier for it!
I would lend it to everyone who tells me they “don’t do Netflix” when the subject comes up, as it does at least twice a week.
I will share this video with each of my family members, and then route it through my friends. It changed my life.
I will share this with my Mom, maybe she will start to understand my choices better. I will also share this will my sister because this is a topic that greatly concerns us both and all of my friends who question me.
I would love to win this; to see it myself, to share it with my friends and family, and to use in the vegan education efforts one of my organizations does on local university campuses.
As part of the organization that owns the international chain of vegan restaurants called Soul Vegetarian and our latest venture East Eden Catering, we are in the forefront of vegan cuisine. We would have showings of Forks Over Knives at our U,S. locations in Atlanta, Chicago, Philadelphia, Tallahasee, and St. Louis
That’s awesome! We need more restaurants like yours in this country.
Thanks so much for your comment…unfortunately this giveaway ended a long time ago.
Please keep visiting our site for more fun giveaways.