Win Lots of Hemp Goodies!
Want some free hemp goodies? Living Harvest, a Portland-based company that makes delicious and nutritious products from hemp, has asked Chic Vegan to give away an awesome little package of their Tempt products including hemp milk, a coupon for free ice cream and protein powder – all in the flavors of your choice! They are also including a tote bag and t-shirt made from hemp. (The tee is so soft and comfy – I wear it to bed regularly.) All in all, an awesome little package. Living Harvest makes the only hemp products I ever buy. True story!
So, I’m not going to make you jump through too many hoops for this. All you have to do to enter is:
– “Like” Living Harvest on Facebook
– Tweet “Enter to win the Tempt hemp giveaway at @chic_vegan ”
-Leave a comment below, letting me know you did both.
Bonus: If you sign up for The Sunday Spectacular I’ll enter you twice! (new sign ups only!)
The deadline is next Friday, the 29th!
Happy Friday!
It has been ridiculously long since I have done a Happy Friday post. So much has happened in the past few weeks that I feel as if 3 years have passed. Time is a strange and tricky beast!
It all started about 3 weeks ago when I embarked on my journey to the East Coast. I headed up to Albany NY where I spent some time with Kristin Lajuenesse and after a series of stressful events emceed the Vegetarian Expo’s first ever vegan fashion show! The show went well, all the models were stunning and of course the clothing was gorgeous, but I discovered something important that I pretty much already knew.. public speaking is not for me. I’ll stick to hiding in the shadows and then suspending myself from the ceiling in the spotlight. A special nod of respect to those that can effortlessly entertain a crowd with witty remarks and confident poise. You are awesome!

Next, I took the train from Albany to NYC. If you ever get a chance to do this, I highly recommend it. The drive along the Hudson was absolutely stunning. From there I headed down to Philadelphia to pay a surprise visit to my family! I had a wonderfully relaxing week with my parents and my nieces (how can children grow so much in 6 months?). Doodlebug and I spent a lot of time reading, going for walks and visiting with friends. It was all very nice, but I was beyond ecstatic to get back to Portland. I love my new home!
My brother flew back to Portland with us and spent a week on our couch! I missed him so much and was glad to spend a week showing him around all of the goodies Portland has to offer. We headed to Cannon Beach to visit Haystack Rock, saw random sea lions (and the Goonies house!) in Astoria, hiked some genuine Oregon trails at the Gorge, visited Multnomah falls, went to every comic book and zine shop in the city and ate like kings! All in all, a good week. My brother left on Saturday, and although I was sad to see him go, I was happy to get back to a normal schedule after almost 3 weeks of travel and adventure. I am now slowly getting back to exercising, working and eating like a human.

Things that made me squeal with delight:
– See everything above!
– Launching The Ethical Girl’s Guide to Being Vegan and Fabulous and getting amazing feedback from all kinds of wonderful people.
– My new digi camera! I just ordered it and haven’t received it yet, but I am just so excited to get a new camera. I have had the same point and shoot for embarassingly long and most camera phones have a better resolution! *hangs head in shame*
– My amazingly supportive, adorable and kind man who put his life on hold for 3 weeks to be with me and be the assertive counterpart that I sometimes need.
– October! Isn’t it the best? The colors. The weather. The food. Nothing beats it.
-Wearing my badass 70’s lion outfit to go see Die Antwoord right down the street!

Have a glorious weekend! Show your family some love, make something new and relax for a bit. Oh and go download my free eBook. It’s awesome.
Liked, tweeted, AND (newly) signed up for the newsletter! What a wonderful prize, I hope I win!! Fingers crossed 🙂
I like you on facebook and, I tweeted the giveaway too! @avocadosandwich : )
I tweeted for this contest for ya!
I liked Living Harvest on FB!
I like Living Harvest on facebook and I tweeted! Here's a link for proof:!/Natcatty/status/28418746436
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I like Living Harvest on facebook and tweeted! Here's a link for proof:!/Natcatty/status/28418746436
Thanks for a great giveaway!
yum i love me some hemp products! i tweeted and like living harvest on FB! hope i win
Done! I liked on FB and tweeted. Also signed up for the nsltr. 🙂
I not only *like* Living Harvest, I LoVe Living Harvest. I, too, only eat Living Harvest hemp foods. I could drink their hemp oil out of the bottle, it's so delicious. I'm a member of the Community Co-Op here in Bellingham, Washington, so Tempt milk is cheaper by the case!
I am now following you on Twitter~ love your links there.
Oh… and I linked your d*i*y shoe post, too.
Liked Living Harvest (was already a fan because I love the tempt frozen desserts!), tweeted as VegasStephica and signed up for The Sunday Spectacular.
Glad you had so much fun on the East Coast!
I liked Living Harvest on Facebook already.
I tweeted!
This is awesome. I've never had Tempt hemp products before and would love to try. I just Liked on facebook and tweeted as well.
yay! you're awesome! I love LH's hemp oil too!
Pls consider me!!!! I already “like” Living Harvest and I already receive the Sunday Spectacular!
Both are done!!!
I've done both! Hemp is probably the greatest thing on this planet.
I am a fan of Chic Vegan and Tempt on Facebook. I shared the contest with over 200 friends on Facebook. I signed up for Chic Vegan via Email. I am a fan of Living Harvest on Facebook. I am a subscriber of Living Harvest via Email.
I did it! I signed up for both!
I love your products and did both (like on FB & Tweet – I'm mistyfuji on Twitter) Thanks for the chance to win!
(twitter page: )
I did both (FB and Twitter!) Thanks!
Liked and Tweeted!! I've never tried the hemp products before….But can't wait to do so!
Liked, Tweeted (@AshCoop) and Signed up for SS!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks!
Have you been to Hotel deLuxe…Happy Hour at the Driftwood Room is a must!
I liked Tempt on Facebook and have a Tweet scheduled to tweet at 8:30am EST today! 🙂 Awesome giveaway, btw. I LOVE Tempt! In fact, I just recommended their hemp milk to a fellow lactose intolerant the other day.
Liked and tweeted (@snllama)
great giveaway!!!
did it!
Liked on my Facebook account (Ted Lai) and tweeted on my vegan twitter account (wokwildside). Thanks for the chance!
I liked on FB [Natalie Quirk] & I tweeted [organarchists]. Thanks!
liked on FB (Yesenia Padilla) and tweeted (YesiPadilla). YAY!