It is that time of year again! When our bodies start craving fresh fruit and veggies, and warm food isn’t really a necessity anymore. What a great time to do a raw food adventure!
For the month of August I will be detoxing and reinvigorating my life by eating a 100% raw diet. It would be really amazing if you could join me! For those of you who are unsure of what a raw diet is: It mainly consists of plant-based foods in its purest form, not heated over 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius). The idea is that heating up food destroys it’s natural enzymes and our body’s ability to process it. By eating raw foods we absorb more nutrients and get more “life” from them. Raw diets can increase energy, heal illnesses, strengthen your immune system, improve digestion and give you that magnificent raw food glow.
I have covered the very basics of a raw diet before, including info on making the transition and some great resources. If you are considering doing this raw adventure, how to make raw easy is required reading for all you busy people out there (everybody).
This past winter I attempted to do a 30 day Raw Food Adventure but after 10 days we ended up snowed in for two weeks, foiling my plans. I actually ended up eating incredible amounts of canned soup – the complete opposite of my initial plan! Now that I have learned my lesson and know that I’m not able to hold tight to raw food when it is -40 degrees out; here we are mid-summer, attempting again!
I will soon be posting my meal plan for the entire month of August. Please keep in mind that this plan will be tailored to my nutritional needs and lifestyle. I’m posting it merely for you to get an idea of what is possible and to encourage you to create your own. You should tailor your meal plan to your lifestyle, needs, wants and anything else. Some of you may opt for a high raw diet (about 80-90% raw) and some may only be able to participate for 2 weeks – that is all totally ok!
Each week I’ll be posting a recap of my adventures; how I feel, things I’ve eaten, obstacles I’ve faced and I’m going to ask for you to share your journey along with me! I’m so excited for us to be doing this together! If you are interested in this adventure, please leave a comment, introduce yourself and share anything else you would like. That way we can all get to know each other before the big month arrives.
Next week we will be starting some preparation such as cutting certain foods out of your diet and shopping for yummies. Get excited!
I've been flirting with the idea of going raw recently but didn't know where to start. I look forward to reading your raw food journey for inspiration!
I most definitely want to get involved! 😀
My name is Erline, I'm from London in England I work in marketing and I'm a university business student.
Hi Erline! Welcome, I look forward to following your adventure.
I hope I can be of some help! I look forward to following your journey as well. <3
Yay! I am so excited! I've never done an all raw food challenge before, I can't wait to see how my body feels 🙂
I just wanted to say YAY! This is really exciting. I've been following your blog for awhile now and love it. Have you been to That's my fav raw food blog. There are tons of recipes!
Glad you are excited. I am eager to start this too!
And thank you for linking me to that site! I love it!
I have been thinking about doing a detox now that I am back in the states (recently moved back from the Dominican Republic)…I am so glad I stumbled upon your site because I will be joining!!!