Goals. We all have them. Most of us have put our goals on the back burner because sometimes life just gets in the way. Others are actively trying to achieve their goals but are unsure of how to go about it or how to stay motivated. Well kids, it is time to get to achieving because you are not getting any younger and the magical dream fairy is not on her way to grant you all of your wishes. Here are some great ideas to help you set and achieve any goal you would like.
“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” ~Henry Ford
Set a time frame. You can achieve anything you want to do as long as you give yourself a deadline. If your goal is large and somewhat vague, set a series of mini goals to achieve. For example, if you want to start your own business, choose a date when your business plan needs to be complete. Then set a date when your product development should be done. And so on and so forth. Just make sure you are being realistic! You are probably not going to be able to write a novel in 6 months or lose 50lbs in 2 weeks. Make sure to give yourself ample time to achieve your goals, but always have an exact date planned out to help you stay on track.
Keep it visible. Write your goal on a piece of paper and hang it in your office, on your fridge or anywhere else it will constantly be seen. While your at it, write down your deadline date. It also helps to keep some inspirational quotes or visuals hung up with it.
One goal at a time. I am so guilty of this! I constantly try to achieve multiple goals at any given time. I am finally convinced that the only way to get anything done efficiently and effectively is to concentrate on one thing at a time. Too many goals can quickly get overwhelming. This makes it so much easier to give up! Working on one thing at a time allows us to completely commit to what we want to do, and do a good job at it. Once one goal is complete, move to the next, and keep going forever – you should always have a goal!
Focus for at least 2 hours a day. Some days it is really hard to find the time to do anything other than what you need to do (grocery shopping, work, appointments). It gets particularly hard if you have a full time job and/or a family. Figure out where you can spare 2 hours during your day. It can be one hour in the morning, and one at night. Spend those 2 hours doing something for your goal. For example: If you want to lose weight, take that time to exercise, research healthy recipes or plan your meals for the week.
Do more. plan less. Many people have the problem of excessively planning out their goals but never actually doing anything to reach them. It is easy to get stuck in the rut of constantly aiming but never firing. Try to DO something everyday that will help out your goal. Even if it is something you are not even sure needs to be done. Get in the habit of working and leave the planning back in the goal-setting stage where it belongs.
Stay motivated. I know, I know.. easier said than done! I guess the key here would be to figure out what gets you motivated. Mine is looking up people online who are doing things I want to do, or who have had a very successful life. I also look up inspirational quotes or listen to music and watch movies that generally boost my creativity. Zen Habits has a wonderful list of 16 ways to get motivated when you are in a slump. Another way to get motivated: read blogs like Zen Habits.
All in all, just keep doing stuff that caters to your particular goal and stay positive. You can do anything you want, all you need is time and determination!
* Photo by Michel Omar Berrospè
Terrific post! I am so guilty of being all over the place…too many irons in the fire most all the time.
aka AudreyGardenLady
Me too Audrey. Glad you liked the post!