Sasha Crescentini and Dawn Martel are the mother/daughter team behind Bakeology, a California-based vegan and gluten-free cookie company. Bakeology was born out of the desire to share their home baked creations with everyone. One spring eve, after lots of experimenting in the kitchen, Sasha and Dawn had an epiphany: what if they could package their creations and bring indulgent, natural treats into homes to create an out-of-this-world cookie experience for everyone? In April 2013, it became a reality & Bakeology Cookie Bites hit the shelves of a few Malibu, CA stores. With great reception, they are slowly expanding, and will soon be in stores all over the country.
Chic Vegan: What motivated you to follow a plant-based diet? Was it an overnight switch or more gradual shift?
Sasha and Dawn: Our brand, Bakeology, is a plant-based brand. Everything we make is 100% vegan and gluten-free because we believe that conducting our business in this manner is gentler on the planet, the animals, and our hearts. Once we realized we could make delicious desserts using ingredients like coconut oil, flax seeds etc., we knew this was the way to go and we wanted to share our discovery with people everywhere.
CV: When people learn that you eat this way, what is the #1 question they ask and what is your response?
S&D: When people hear about the vegan products we offer, their first question is “Well does it taste good?” Our response is “absolutely!!”
CV:Tell me a little bit about your company Bakeology and what inspired you to create it.
S&D: Bakeology was born out of a desire to share our vegan, gluten-free creations with our family and friends. We realized there was a demand for yummy, healthier baked goods so we went for it and started packaging our Cookie Bites. One by one, we started talking with local stores in our community, and before you know it, our products are now available in over 100 stores. Persistence, passion, and love have all contributed to the progression of our brand.
CV: Do you have a favorite type of cookie?
S&D: My favorite flavor changes constantly. It really depends what mood I’m in. I usually crave Vanilla Chai Cookie Bites in the morning with coffee, Snickerdoodle Cookie Bites in the afternoon, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Bites at night dunked in almond milk.
CV: What inspires you to create a new recipe?
S&D: We are so inspired by pure, natural, delicious, cravable ingredients.
CV: What tips would you give to people who might be new to vegan and gluten-free baking?
S&D: Try replacing 1 cup of butter with 1 cup of coconut oil in any dessert recipe. Use 2 tablespoons of ground flax meal mixed with 1 tablespoon warm water instead of 1 egg.
CV: Do you have any vegan cooking tips for the holidays?
S&D: Yes! To make a delicious, simple pie crust, simply take 2 bags of Bakeology Cookie Bites and grind down in a food processor until crumbs are fine. Then use a measuring cup to press into a pie tin firmly. Find some yummy pie recipes on our site
CV: What advice would you give to someone trying to adopt a vegan and gluten-free diet but might think it might be too limiting?
S&D: Change your mindset! Be open, and google “vegan recipes”. You’ll be surprised by the plethora of amazing options.
CV: What is your favorite vegan indulgence?
S&D: I love making homemade almond milk with cinnamon, vanilla & dates.
CV: In your wildest dreams where will Bakeology be in 5 years?
S&D: Bakeology will expand its line of products to cater to many different cravings in the form of other types of desserts. We would love to have our products offered on land, air and sea: hotels, airlines, cruises and in other countries!