How would you like to travel across the United States, hanging out with cool vegans and eating a lot of amazing vegan food? It sounds like a far away dream that some of us may have, but Kristin Lajeunesse is making it a reality. Kristin is a serious vegan activist, an entrepreneur, a life-lover, booty shaker, and all around awesome human being. She gets these great ides and just goes for it. So when she thought…”Hey, why not quit my job and spend a year driving around the US eating amazing food?” naturally, she made it happen.
Kristin departs TOMORROW on her 5 year veganniversary and will be keeping us up to date on her adventures, along with posting copious amounts of drool-worthy photos and restaurant reviews on – a site dedicated to her trip.
If you want your restaurant reviewed, to meet up with Kristin, or to wish her happy trails you can email her at kristin(at)wtfveganfood(dot)com.
Have safe and happy travels, Kristin!
Follow the journey on the WTFveganfood blog, Facebook, and Twitter.