The transition into the new year is always a refreshing time. It subtly reminds us of all the things we have accomplished in the past 12 months, and provokes contemplations on what we want to change or improve upon in the upcoming year.
We are all a work in progress. Everyone aspires to achieve and create different things in life. One could argue that the things that most people want in their lives are: Happiness, Creativity, and Success. You can easily experience these things everyday with a little dedication and thought. It only takes a little bit of action to get out of your rut and turn your life into a magical wonderland!
Prune Your Life
Sit down and make a list of things in your life that you don’t really like that much. They may include your job, people in your life, or things you own. Put the thing that stresses you out the most at the top of your list and work down to the thing that you kindasortadon’treallylikethatmuchmaybe. Take immediate steps to either eliminate the things on your list or turn them into something you love. Don’t be afraid to break off abusive relationships or take a job doing something you love for less money.
Surround Yourself with Things you Love
I recently placed all of my favorite books on the bookshelf above my bed. (It’s built into the wall and I never used it!) Now whenever I am in the bedroom I feel a sense of contentment which was not there before. It is almost as if the subtle reminder of their presence creates love and happiness inside of me. (oh boy, do I love books)
It is amazing how much more enjoyable life can be when you truly love everything you have. I have made a vow to only buy things that I totally adore, only do things I absolutely love doing, and only spend time with people who I love and respect.
If you find yourself buying things because they are “good enough” or hanging around with the same inconsiderate and selfish friends because you have a history with them, then it is time to change. Don’t choose to do things because they are easy or conventional. Try This: Go through your closet and donate any clothes you have cold or lukewarm feelings about. Don’t go out clothes shopping. Only buy things that take your breath away (that you can afford) as you stumble upon them.
Carry an Inspiration Notebook
If you are naturally creative or especially observant, an inspiration notebook will really help you harness your thoughts and ideas throughout the day. Carry around a tiny notebook with you at all times to jot down random ideas that pop into your head.
My favorite is the Moleskine Cahier Pocket Notebook. I use mine to quickly scribble down words that I like, post or design ideas, quotes, band or song names, books or authors, or any other random tidbit of information I would like to learn more about. Something about having all of your thoughts captured in one place makes for a slightly less scattered brain. Make it a point to write at least one thing in your notebook everyday. This will train you to be on the lookout for creative stimuli.
Get rid of everything in your house you haven’t used in the past year. Make your work area clutter-free. Clean out “junk drawers” and the trunk of your car. Stop overloading your day with To-Do’s and chores. There are so many ways to achieve a minimalist lifestyle, I don’t even know where to start. Check out , , or
Make Specific Goals
When creating your resolutions try to make them as specific as possible. This will help you create a game plan, thus increasing your odds of achieving your goals. If your goal is to get in shape then state exactly how you plan on doing that. For example “I will get in shape by running 2 miles on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and going to the gym to do a weight routine on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.” Also outline specific details like how you will increase your running mileage over time and your exact weight routine at the gym. If one of your resolutions is to meditate more, state how long and what time of day you will do it at. And so on and so forth – you get the point.
Be Present and Mindful
Try to do everything with Shoshin (beginner’s mind) regardless of how many times you have done it before. You know the feeling you get when you are doing something for the first time ever? You are filled with a sense of wonder as you concentrate completely on what you are doing, your mind blank of any outside thoughts or worries. Once you are done you feel a great sense of calm and achievement. If you think of everything in your life this way – from brushing your teeth to walking the dog – your life will be full of a sense of magic and wonder, no matter how mundane. Learn more about Shoshin here.
Hopefully these ideas will help you better achieve your goals and habits for 2010 and beyond. Have a beautiful, magical New Year!
Thanks for the inspiration and getting the new year off on a good note!
I’m aiming to simplify my life in the new year. I was going to buy some new makeup today, but realized that for the moment all I need is mascara and not several new eye and lip colors when I’ve still got some I love. I can focus my energy on other aspects of my life, and spend less money.
I’m also going to start carrying a notebook and digital camera everywhere I go. Good ways to easily capture ideas/inspiration/random info.
Here’s to a simplified and happy new year!