Just a quick PSA here….
Swiss company SIGG, who sells “eco-friendly” aluminum water bottles has recently come forward with an interesting tidbit of information. Before August 2008 all of their bottles contained BPA in the plastic lining inside of the bottle. Although they never marketed their bottles as “BPA free” they did claim to be a healthy alternative to water bottles. And as we all know, one of the main reasons we steer clear of water bottles in because they contain BPA! SIGG is now attempting to right their wrongdoing by offering a brand spanking new bottle to anyone who has a bottle purchased before August of 2008. If you choose to continue supporting this company you may return your bottle directly to them or exchange it at your local Whole Foods. If you do not wish to continue supporting SIGG check out some great reusable bottles from Earthlust and even enter to win one at Eco Mama’s Guide to Living Green.
Further interest:
That’s too bad…. so not only do we have to keep vigilant about deliberate whitewashing, but also our assumptions. Thanks for posting!!!