The past few years I have spent Thanksgiving with Doodlebug’s family and his mom graciously prepared Tofurky and other treats for me. However, this year we decided to stay at home and enjoy the Holidays. This means (eek!) I have to cook. When planning the menu, I took a few things into consideration: I hate […]
vegan recipes
Mofo Monday! Pumpkin Polenta and Faux Pho
My food adventures this past week were slightly more exciting than the week before. I managed to create my own recipe and also make breakfast! Hooray! I also managed to eat out a lot. Meh. It is almost time to start planning the Thanksgiving menu. I haven’t made Thanksgiving dinner in almost 3 years and […]
MoFo Monday! Squash Alfredo and Mini Cheezecakes
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for some foodie fun. I haven’t done much in the way of cooking this past week, although I said I would. I think Doodlebug is the most dissapointed about this. He thought he would be eating like a king for the month […]
MoFo Monday and World Vegan Day!
Today is the best day of the year for any devoted vegan foodie. Not only is it World Vegan Day, but it is also the first day of Vegan MoFo (The Vegan Month of Food). Every Monday for the month of November I’ll be posting a recap of the food I have eaten, links to […]
Mexican Lasagna!
I recently stumbled upon this delicious recipe via Miss Jennifer Vega over at Sweet On Veg. Who can resist spicy lasagna with sweet potato? Not me! Thank you Pea Soup Eats, for this glorious culinary gift! Mexican Lasagna What you need: 1 onion 2/3 sweet potatoes 2 cups organic sweetcorn 2 cups cooked black beans […]