Chic Vegan contributor Ashley Cook is the Boston-based blogger behind A. Cook in the Making, where she writes all about vegan food and making time for plant-based cooking while managing a busy work-life schedule and inter-dietary household.
Chic Vegan – How long have you been a vegan?
Ashley Cook – I first went vegan in December 2007. For a period of time while I was in law school, laziness, complacency, and time constraints led me to regress to a pescetarian diet. But in March 2011 I recommitted to veganism and have not looked back since.
CV – Who or what inspired you to make the change to a vegan lifestyle?
AC – My original switch to a vegan diet took place within 24 hours of reading Skinny Bitch. Earlier that year, I had begun to educate myself on healthier eating. Once I learned about what I was really happening behind the scenes of the animal products I had been consuming, it was easy to make the switch. My subsequent return to veganism was inspired by re-reading the book along with a number of online sources about the effects of animal agriculture on energy and the environment.
CV – If you could give someone who’s thinking of going vegan advice, what would you say?
AC – It’s not as hard as you think! That being said, preparation is crucial. As a vegan, you have fewer options for “convenience food” to fall back on in a pinch and during crazy-busy days. Giving yourself time for food shopping and preparation, and creating a loose plan of meals each week will help you succeed. And it never hurts to keep a stash of vegan snacks in your purse and/or car at all times!
CV – Let’s talk beauty. What’s your favorite cruelty-free product?
AC – I’m obsessive about lip balm. My favorite brand is Hurraw! lip balms, which are totally vegan. They are so smooth and last a really long time. I particularly love the Black Cherry flavor, which has a beautiful, subtle tint to it.
CV – Where are the best vegan bargains?
AC – The Vegan Cuts website is a fabulous resource for great deals on vegan specialty items and clothing. For everyday food purchases, I maintain that Whole Foods has great bargains! Despite its reputation for being pricey, the store’s brand (365) is really affordable. For example, at my local store, a large bottle of extra virgin olive oil is only $3.99. Most stores also have bulk bins, which are a great way to save money.