Hemp is a much coveted plant – and with good reasons! It is a sustainable resource and can be made into high quality clothing, bags, shoes and accessories. As a food, it is high in protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6, and 9). It has been used for thousands of years to make paper, clothing and food. Hemp oil has been used to grease machinery and the diesel engine can actually run off of it!
Hemp is an amazing thing (and you can learn more about it here) and although I’m sure many of you enjoy the joys of cannabis in your off-time.. the hemp I’m talking about is quite different. Industrial hemp comes from a different type of cannabis plant called Sativa which contains little to no THC and is most definitely not the same plant your long haired, patchouli scented neighbor grows in his shed.
There are some amazing hemp products available now, from food to clothing. Here are the best of the best.
Tempt! brand hemp milk, ice cream and protein powder! The best ever!
Hemp and Organic Cotton Indigo Dress by Nature vs. Nurture
Super Low Cowl Tank Dress by Gaia Conceptions
Three Way Wrap Jacket by Grateful Threads
I LOVE Tempt brand products. The “ice cream” is better than any other vegan frozen treat I've tried. I also got a great 100% hemp skirt by Stewart & Brown from Arcadia Boutique (in Philadelphia) – it is so soft and comfy!